Places in the Earth multiverse - L

Lac Olith: The largest lake in Amrica, surrounded by the land of Nolthen.

Lagg Keep: A ruin on Oerth, located between Celene and Hommlet.

Land of the Drugged Up Wood Elves: A domain of the sylvan elves, located west of Aldacan and south of Dorian.

Land of the Giants: An area ruled by giants.

Lareth, Hills of: A range of low hills running south from the Columbia River.

Last Dungeon: A dungeon located on the east coast of Amrica.

Lia, Mountains of: A range of young mountains that form the eastern border of the Coastal Plain, east of Frisco.

Local Group of Galaxies: the galactic cluster of which the Milky Way is a member.

Loess, Plains Of: A large area of prairie and tundra adjacent to the Western Glacial Lobe.

Long Valley: A valley which runs through the western mountains from the Secret Kingdom to Slave Lake.

Lortmil Mountains: A mountain range on Oerth.

Lost City: A ruined city in the Bright Desert of Oerth.

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