MAIN group character descriptions

Jesse is wearing a long flowing blue cloak, covering green pants, and a white shirt. He has short hair, and looks like he's about 18 or 20 years old.

Occa: A middle aged man with long brown-black hair pulled back in along pony tail. His green eyes pass over each of you in turn and his pale hands instinctivly come to his mouth, which seems to be forever twisted in a smile.

Oh Well: A human fighter. He is adorned in a suit of plate mail which goes down to his feet. On his head he is wearing a copper helm that has metallic bat wings attatched to it. On his torso is a blood red pullover jacket that has the image of a metallic skull on it. He is holding a sword that has engravings on it.

Op Code: Op Code is a human ranger who is dressed in a suit of plate mail and is holding a shield adorned with the image of a blue lion's head. He is also wearing a black cape which seems to be made of an animal's pelt.

Orlon: A human cleric of average size, he is dressed in a green robe and is wearing a purple hood. He appears to be middle age for a human, and carries his appearance proudly. Around his neck is a metallic amulet that is in the shape of a hammer. He is carrying a pole that is in the shape of a snake.

Phil Donahue: A mage. He is wearing a crimson robe with a flowing blue cape. He is wearing a hat which is a loud lime green in colour. He has white hair with a long beard reaching down to his waist.

Salaam BenShel Thothemen: A medium sized tan colored human male, garbed in white robes and a large runed covered hammer on his belt. A large metal holy symbol hangs from his neck as well as a small amulet. His bright blue eyes shine.

Who Knows: A halfling. He has a small patch of blond hair on his head. His eyes are black in colour and they burn with a strong intensity. He is wearing a black vest that is attatched at the front with a copper chain. He is carrying a short sword that gleams in the light. He carries himself very proudly.

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