The Cult party story - Coldeven 15, 584

It took over three months, but you you finally defeated the cult of the reptile goddess (who turned out to be a spirit naga) and brought peace back to Orlane.

After that, the party disbanded, most of the members going their separate ways. Tragon and Lornard decided to travel east together, to seek their fortune in the great City of Greyhawk itself.

The journey was long and arduous. War and rumours of war in the north followed you all of the way. Upon arriving in Greyhawk, though, you found the city at peace, though teeming with mercenaries and those that would hire them. You chose not to follow that career path, but rather listened to the gossip in the bars and taverns each night. A place called the Greyhawk Ruins kept coming up again and again as a dungeon maze loaded with treasure and monsters to be defeated. Located only a few days from the city, you decided to go and seek your fortunes there.

Close by the ruins is another Castle Greyhawk: this one occupied and a thriving community. You decided to make this your home base. However, upon crossing the moat and approaching the gate, you found yourself facing perhaps the most formidable adversary you have yet met: the crusty old gatekeeper.

The toll to enter the Castle was 40gp, and he would not budge on that fee. At this point you do not have 10gp between you. No amount of cajoling would change his tune.

"Forty gold pieces, and not a copper less!" the gatekeeper is saying to the two of you, again, as you hear the sound of horse's hooves behind you.

Turning, you see a party of some thirteen people coming over the moat bridge.

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