The EARTH story - March 6, 1372

In the morning, Tabrina teleports you all to Sandas.

For those of you who have never been there, Sandas is a small city located in the northwest corner of the kingdom of Nlad, and is the base of operations for this party, which has now been adventuring together in one form or another for a year and a half. Brennon and Mikodin have never heard of the place, though they have heard few tales from travellers passing through Demon's Neck to know that it lies far to the south of their home town. Never have they been in such a large urban centre.

You step out of the portable hole, to find yourselves standing in a large market square. Many stalls are set up here selling wares from the four corners of the Earth, it seems. Yet, Britan, Kelar, Farad and the others who have been here before note that there seem to be fewer vendors than usual. Perhaps the war that Nlad is fighting in the south is having an impact.

The perimeter of the square is lined with shops and temples. You spot an inn called the Drunken Dwarf, which Brennon and Mikodin have heard their new companions refer to before.

The weather is mild - about 40F - and the sun shines intermittently through broken clouds.

You head for Ray Jay's tower, in the quarter of Sandas frequented by mages and those concerned with learning. A fifteen minute walk later, and you are knocking at a door in the side of a small tower. A sign hangs over the door, which reads -

"Ray Jay. Master of the Arcane Arts. Fortunes Told, Pots Mended."

A half-elf answers the door.

"Good morning," he says, recognising at least some of you. His eyes alight on one of the women with you.

"Well...hello there, Leslie."

The ranger smiles wearily.

"Save it, Ming," she says. "We are here on business."

She glances at the rest of you.

Ayazin announces that he is ready to train.

He also says at one point, "I'm going to try out this rope, will someone please stand back and cover me with a Dispel Magic in case anything goes wrong?" If someone agrees, he says to the rope, "Rope, I command you to entangle Jon!"

Nothing happens.

He says, "Rope, affix yourself to the ceiling!"

The rope snakes upwards, forming itself into a series of knots at one foot intervals...apparently for easy climbing.

It then stands erect and rigid.

"Hey, nice work, Ayazin!" Beth says. "I've read about these: ropes of climbing. Very handy if you don't know how to levitate or fly, or if you don't have the right spell memorized."

Ayazin says, "Yes, disappointing -- I can levitate at will, you know. Would someone else like this rope? Brennon, did you take anything from the latest cache? If you don't have a use for it, you can always sell it."

"I was interested in aquiring the unclaimed scrolls to add to my spellbook. However there is a possibilty that the rope might be what I need. I will be more than happy to aquire the rope, and see what it would cost to sell."

Upon reflection, Mikodin coughs, then speaks, "If no one has a good use for the rope, it seems I am quite close to attaining the next level, and donating of such an item, or its selling price, to my monastary might make them feel I am ready for the next level of training. Does anyone object?"

Ayazin shrugs. "Why not let Mikodin take the rope, and Brennon take the scrolls?"

He tells the rope, "Rope, un-knot yourself and relax."

He tosses the rope over to Mikodin and Brennon. "Here, you two work it out. I'll keep my potion, but I don't want the rope anymore. I'll be having plenty of playtime once I finish training."

Tossing the rope to Mikodin, Brennon says, "Please be my guest. Your monastary probably could use the donation more than I. I'll train the next time through town hopefully. I could use the new spells for my spellbook more."

Brennon continues with his plans while in town, and takes the scroll of protection from magic.

Mikodin is overwhelmed at the generosity of his friend, Brennon, but manages to stammer out, "Thank-you, good friend. Now I need to either find a way back to my monastery, or find a similar one here in town. Do you know of any such monastaries here?"

"There is a temple of Tyr here in Sandas," says Laurie, "I am sure that the high priestess Verona can help you out."

Beth turns to Ming.

"Hello Ming," Beth says. "Is Ray Jay in, and is she... er, he in any sort of mood to speak with us?"

"Master is not here at the moment. What can I do for you?"

"Hmm," Beth grunts. "Well, we have a wee bit of a problem with petrification we were hoping we could get some help with. Although I haven't discussed this with the others, I thought it might be a good idea to give Ray Jay a full update of what we've found so far, so that if we are all killed and don't come back, he'll know at least that much. Do you know when he might be in again? And might you be able to help us out with the wee petrification problem?"

"The petrification problem is easy. For 3600gp I can sell you a scroll with stone to flesh on it. As for Master, I do not know when he will be back. He is doing research. But, you can report to me, and I will pass it along."

"Er, yes," Beth says. "Um, what with us being on a crucial mission for Ray Jay and all, one that's more crucial than ever according to his own words to me, I don't suppose there could be some sort of discount for us, could there Ming? Worker's comp, and all that, plus the vital nature of our mission and your interest in our collective ability to continue it...."

Ming ponders for a moment...but Beth's feminine charms finally win him over.

"Oh all right," he says, and invites you in, ushering you into his living room. He leaves, and returns a moment later.

"Thanks Ming," Beth says, adding a wink.

Handing Beth a scroll, he says, "Just don't tell Master! Now, tell me what's been going on in the north woods."

"My lips are sealed," Beth says with a smile.

Beth takes a deep breath, and continues, "Let's see, what's going on up there. Laurie and Tabrina and Jo'owrn have been helping us; Laurie and her acolytes have tended to our wounds more than once. Snurre's old lair was well populated. A number of fire giants had moved back in, as well as miscellaneous other trash, mostly ogres, and some other assorted giant types. A few wyverns as well. Quite a busy place, really. We've cleaned most of it out, and we're to the river of lava that hearalds the entrance to the underworld."

Beth pauses, fidgeting with some of her hair by wrapping it around her fingers. "We've run into a number of Drow as well," she says. "We tried to take some by surprise, but some got away."

Her brow furrows and she looks at Farad. "Were the ones that got away in the second group we battled? I don't think so."

Back to Ming, she says, "So we can probably be sure that the Drow are alerted that we're poking around Snurre's lair, at least, and that means we're probably going to be expected."

With a sigh Beth adds, "Oh, yes, and there was an aludemon as well. One who didn't like biscuits with gravy. We killed her."

Ming takes notes.

"Good work!" he says. "I know Master will be pleased. He thinks that your task is a very important one. Is there anything else?"

Beth smiles back at Ming. When he asks his question, she scratches her head and says, "Hmm, mostly I seem to remember a lot of combat, let me think if there's anything else...."

Ayazin says, "A beholder. That's how Britan came to be petrified. We killed it quickly, though, and we feel fortunate to have escaped without more casualties. In any case, the stronghold is clear, and now our real work can begin."

Beth snaps her finger and points at Ayazin. "Right, duh. How could I forget that!"

She looks around at her companions. "You guys were there too. Did I leave anything important out? Where is Britan?"

Aldarin replies, "I do believe it is in Tabrina's portable hole device."

Tabrina says, "I have Britan right here. I can read the scroll."

Beth hands the scroll over to Tabrina. "We, and especially Britan, would be much obliged."

Tabrina - with Leslie's help - opens up the hole, and out tumbles Britan.

She then reads the scroll.

Before your eyes, Britan ceases to be stoned, and turns into warm, loving flesh again.

Humphrey pipes up.

"Speaking of treasure, I still have not withdrawn my claim on the talking shortsword. I have two good reasons why I want it.

"One, it is the weapon I specialize in. Therefore I would be able to make the most use of it. Two, I haven't gotten a magic item in the last couple of treasure hauls. There hasn't been much available for a full sized human fighter.

"I was told we would resolve this later. Well now I think is a good time to do so."

Aldarin says, "You've got my vote. Nice speech by the way."

"Well, we'd better talk to Jon about that," Beth says. "Jon, how attached are you to the shortsword? Humphrey, is there anything else you'd be interested in if Jon doesn't want to give it up?"

Jon would really like to keep Geerzo. A great and protracted argument ensues. Finally, Ming steps in, handing Humphrey and Jon a d20 apiece. He tells them to roll the dice, and the highest roller gets the sword.

Humphrey rolls a 4 and Jon rolls a 13.

Aldarin asks Sharone, "How much money do you need?"

Humphrey looks over to Sharone.

"How much money do you need to train? I could lend you some money, with no interest. Who knows, your greater ability may make the difference between life and death."

Sharone gratefully accepts Humphrey's offer. She needs 10,500gp.

Beth says, "Has anybody been keeping a list of our unclaimed magic items? I haven't been able to keep track of it all. We should sell what nobody wants before we leave Sandas."

Tabrina dumps it out of Leslie's portable hole.

"Well," says Ming, reaching for a large tome, "You've mentioned being interested in selling some magic. Let's see what we can offer you..."

  • Scroll: protection from magic: 4500gp
  • rope of climbing: 10,000gp
  • potions: 1000gp ea
  • splint mail D: 4000gp

Beth says, "If nobody wants the scroll of protection from magic, I'll take stewardship of it. That's a good sort of thing to have around; anybody in our party might need at any moment."

Brennon currently has that scroll.

The sorceress looks around. "Nobody wants the dwarfish armor, right? We could sell that, and it would nicely pay Ming back the 3600gp we owe him for the depetrification of Britan. And the rope... I sort of hate to see it go, because it's a really interesting item, but if we think the cash is more useful, I guess I'll agree that we should sell it."

"The stone to flesh scroll was gratis, my dear," says Ming.

"Jon was also interested in this rope. And I think from the point of using it during our travels to enhance his skills. You need to discuss it with him, too, " mentions Sharone.

"You might want to talk to Mikodan, He currently has it, since I have withdrawn my claim to it," Brennon says.

Aldarin offers Sharone the loan for her training.

Mikodin needs to train, once we sell the items we have (and the ownership of the rope is resolved).

So, you sell the dwarven armour for 4000gp.

"Hey!" says Leslie, giving the portable hole another shake. A bunch (3) of scrolls and potions (5) tumble out. "We forgot about the beholder's treasure!"

Jon says, "Humphrey while you have made some valid points, I intent to keep Geerzo. Geerzo is a powerful item/weapon and since I found and tried it when missed by the group I think that's fair."

"With all this talk of staying in town and what not. I think I will go ahead and train. The additional spells and fighting will probably help us in the long run," says Kelar to the group.

"As far as the treasure goes if I remember correctly we decided that anyone can claim something and if there is multiple claims then it is resolved by the people involved. As far as the shortsword is concerned I think that Jon should give it to Humphrey as he said he is proficient in its use and would probably get the most use out of it," says Kelar

"Besides Jon you can't be a hog on all the magic. You also want to claim the rope. I think you should try and remember you are now with a group. If Humphrey has the sword he may be able to save your life because of it," states Kelar

Coming down of his soap box , Kelar concludes, "I will need to be in town for two months. If that is a problem than I will only train my magic as it will probably come in a little more handy than fighter."

"What do you need training as? I probably have people who can do it for free," says Leslie.

So, Kelar, Brennon, Ayazin and Sharone need training.

Leslie offers to help train any nonspecialised fighter-types, for free.

Tabrina offers the same service to any magic users

Ayazin and Sharone depart to their respective temples.

The rest of you also depart Ray Jay's tower.

Kelar turns to Leslie.

"Really for free? That would be helpful. Anyway I need to train up to fourth level mage and fifth level fighter," says Kelar hopefully.

"No problem," says Leslie.

"No problem," says Tabrina.

Brennon thanks Tabrina, and accepts her offer to train for second level.

Farad responds to Tabrina. "I'm not ready to train yet, but probably will need to once we take our next break."

"For that matter, are there not people in your own party who could train you?" asks Tabrina.

Leslie and Tabrina will teleport back to Laurie's temple with the people they are to train. Brennon will take two weeks. Kelar, with two classes to train in, will take four.

"After that," the ranger says, "You will be on your own. It will be spring, and we can resume our exploration of the Ruined Realm."

Mikodin needs training for 2nd level as a monk, but needs 3000 gp. He politely asks the group, "Is it possible to ask for a loan of 3000 gp, to effect my training? I will be much more impressive if I can obtain this needed training."

Farad loans the monk the money, and Mikodin departs for the temple of Tyr.

Aldarin heads to town to see if he can sell some of his rare items.

The remainder of the party scatters.

Next day

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