Illyana looks around the area. "Let's keep moving."
May 9th is very warm and partly cloudy.
By midmorning you have reached the town of Carnovy. It straddles the Abbey Hulton River. The eastern portion of the town is walled.
It appears to be a fairly prosperous place, straddling the Old Dwarvish Road at an intersection with a lesser road that heads south. Just outside of town, to the west, another road runs off to the northwest, to the Borderlands.
"Would someone please tell me what happened?" asks Kelar.
"We were attaked by a something.. I have no clue what. A single explosion and he decimated us. Ouch. Raz tried to fight back, but got killed in the process. I ordered a retreat when I couldn't hurt him at all."
Looking at Raz's remains, Kelar says, "This is my fault I shouldn't have stopped ... I should have known better. I will pay for his resurrection when we can get him to a cleric."
"We may have enough funds to do it, but in general this situation sucks."
You enter Carnovy and spend several hours looking around.
You find a number of temples here (Tyr, Votishal, Mielikki, Odin, Magni, Aarth and Untamo), but upon making enquiries you find that there is not a single cleric in the place who is powerful enough to resurrect Raz.
You set off for Strabath again. It is early afternoon.
The Old Dwarven Road continues on its way east-northeast. To your left you see that you are drawing nearer to the Mountains of Nlad: the range of snowcapped peaks that forms the northern border of the Kingdom. The forest is growing more dense as you get closer to them.
The night passes uneventfully.