Historical Notes - C

Casablanca: (Niko's history until 1371) It is surrounded by a tall wall and most of the buildings within it are white. You see a number of great pyramidal shaped structures, apparently great temples. There are many squares, and the whole places seethes with humanity. The harbour is filled with ships of all shapes and sizes.

Niko tells you that the coastal area of Mestom running south from the Rackham River to the jungles some 100 miles south of here had been the independent state of Casablanca until 997TA. In that year the state finally surrendered to Mestom, with whom it had been fighting a losing war with for the previous six years.

During the first century of Mestomian occupation, the occupiers concentrated on consolidating their control, but after that their interest waned. Casablanca is far removed from the rest of Mestom, geographically, culturally and economically. Since 1300, Casablanca has been acting more and more like an independent state. The installation of the weak leader Lord Pedros, in 1344, had accentuated this trend.

Cosmic Empire: An outgrowth of the Second Galactic Empire, it was dominant during what was later called the Second Golden Age. It was the Cosmic Empire which went to war with the Elves and was victorious. The Empire ended abruptly when civil war broke out in the Local Group in 5180 of the Second Age.

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