1. The DM is god. This is the exception I just mentioned. You are welcome to argue about any pronouncement that I may make, but ultimately I will have the final word.
2. Moves. Generally I send out several moves per week per group.
3. Missing a move. This is bound to happen to you all sooner or later. If I do not get a move from you, I will usually put your character into "safe mode", unless you instruct me otherwise. He/she will basically not do anything that will endanger him or herself. He/she will continue along the last course of action that you gave me, provided that this will not endanger him or her. Exception: if the party will be put into dire straits by the character's inaction, then I may operate your character as an NPC until the danger has passed.
If you know that you are going to be missing a move(s) in advance (ie. for a vacation, or whatever), please let me know.
4. Leaving the group. Sooner or later there is going to be some turnover in the groups. If you decide to leave, please let me know. Otherwise, if I don't hear from you for two weeks I may remove you from the mailing list.
5. Maps. Detailed maps will be put on the appropriate web page.
6. Casting "bug dungeonmaster". This is an innate spell ability available to all characters. The DM gets a saving throw, though! :^) Seriously, if you have questions then please ask them, and I will try to answer you quickly. More specifically, I have given each character a brief background of things that they should have learned about the world and their home areas during their formative (ie. pre-adventuring) years. Of course, there are many other things that they will know as well, besides what I have told them. Please ask about them. If I think that it is something that your character would know, then I will provide the info. If not, I will tell you that, too.
7. Cheating. Nasty topic, but we all know it happens. In a play by email format it is even easier to do. We all like to see our characters get ahead... Anyway, my philosophy is that the biggest loser when cheating happens is the cheater himself, because the campaign becomes less of a challenge to him. I am not going to monitor every player's possessions or bank balance...I have enough to do! However, if the players have too easy a time in encounters then the encounters will get harder, and if the players seem to have too much money then prices will rise...and so on...
8. Record keeping. You are expected to keep a record of your character's possessions, and where they are stored. The only items like this that I follow are magic - usually - but of course you had better keep a list of that as well. By the way, I don't automatically tell you what a magic item is when you find one; you either discover what it is through examination, use, or paying an NPC to try to identify it...
9. Player maps. These are ones that you draw yourselves. I strongly advise each of you to map your movements when you are travelling or exploring a dungeon, etc. They need not be works of art...just sufficient enough for you to find your way around.
10. Emailing me. Please put the name of your adventuring group (MAIN, PBEM, EARTH, etc.) in the subject line, so your message will leap out of the screen at me.
11. Using the game emailing lists to distribute electronic chain letters or for commercial purposes. Anyone doing so will be immediately dropped from the game.