Earth Campaign - house rules and rules interpretations
Attacking multiple opponents in a single
You can only deal with one opponent per round. If you kill a foe
on your first attack then you cannot use your second attack on
another target. This, of course, goes for most monsters as well,
concerning their attacks on you.
Some monsters, such as trolls, can attack more than one opponent
simultaneously; so they are exempt from the above rule.
CC'ing the DM
The DM does not have to be in on every intercharacter
conversation...but remember...if a character takes an action and I
don't hear about does not happen!
Character age adjustments
All age adjustments should be done as per the first edition DMG,
pg. 12.
House? rule: in the case of strength adjustments, if a fighter
type with 18/percentile strength gains more strength through an age
adjustment, the increase in strength is only enough to put them into
the next higher "to hit/damage/etc." category; ie. a fighter with
18/10 strength, upon reaching maturity, would increase to 18/51.
Of course, age adjustments cannot put any character's abilities
over their racial maximums.
I follow the aging rules per the 1st edition DMG. Your
characters DO get older, and their abilities change as they do so.
Since these email games have been going on for several years, game
time, now, most of the PCs will have had at least one birthday in the
If your character(s) have a birthday and abilities change,
please let me know.
If you do not have your own 1st ed DMG, just let me know when
you have a birthday and I'll check for you.
Character birth dates
I use a standard 12 month, 365 day calendar on Earth.
Conjure fire elemental spell, druidic
A druid is not supposed to need to concentrate at all on his conjured fire this a house rule?
From the PHB, druid spell conjure fire elemental, pg 61-62.
Another AD&D 1st edition conflict! (In this case with the MM, pg. 37.). That's okay; I'll go with the PH, since I think it came out after the MM and is character class specific.
Constitution, effects of changes on hit
It's not retroactive. With the frequency that people get killed
and raised in this game, that would make it too hard to keep track
Dates in the headers
A rule of thumb: the date in a header
represents the date that the post STARTS on.
Dice rolling
All dice rolling in the course of an adventure is done by the
Druids, alignment and their patron
Druids have to be neutral, but they can serve a non-neutral
nature deity.
Druids and greater mistletoe
Greater mistletoe steadily loses its effectiveness after a year, becoming totally useless after about 13 months. Mistletoe is like a spell component, you use or consume some each time you cast a spell that requires it.
Duration of "permanent" spells and
abilities (including those attained through wishes)
In a nutshell, in my melieu - as in real life - nothing is
permanent. Mountains erode, stars explode, protons decay. Atrophy
always wins. Something can be of very long or indefinite duration,
but there will always be something that can terminate it. Even gods
are immortal...until they are killed.
There are lots of other caveats I could add concerning wishes,
but I think it will be more fun (for me) and annoying (for the
players) if you found them out during the course of play. Just
remember that a wish is a spell like any other spell (albeit a very
powerful one), and except for mundane matters such as bringing back
dead people and increasing abilities, I will generally interpret what
you say literally. Also, keep in mind that even a wish has its
Elven language
On this world all the elves speak the same tongue, but the
dialects differ. What I mean is that the wood/sylvan elves would have
words and idioms unique to themselves that the other elven races
would not include in their speech, and vice versa. The different
elves would be able to communicate with each other, but not with the
level of understanding, clarity and sophistication that they would be
able to with members of their own sub-race.
The only exception is Drow; because that sub-race has been
separated from the rest of Elvenkind for a very long time, and hence
the language has evolved/devolved into what is essentially a separate
Emailing players when their characters are
not present
If a character is not present then do not include them in your
Experience points awards system
In a pbem game the participation of a player is often limited by
their online time. A person could be the best rollplayer in the group
but if they are are only online for 20 minutes once a day then their
participation and rollplaying will be restricted.
I did not think it would be fair to these people to penalize them
for something that they have little control over (or conversely, to
reward others because they are at an advantage with respect to their
online time). It is a game, after all, and we have to play it within
the constraints imposed by this medium.
Anyway, back before this campaign started I decided to limit the
awarding of XP to that gained by killing monsters and getting
treasure, and to split it evenly amongst the characters present,
regardless of their participation (or lack thereof...though I almost
always make sure that every character does something during the course of an outing, so that they can claim that they had a part in the success of the adventure). That said, note that if a player/character is completely inactive during an entire adventure without giving notice as to why (ie. vacation, etc.) then that character will recieve zero experience points.
I know that it is a flawed system for awarding XP, but in view of
the situation I think that it is the most fair to everyone.
In the first PBEM group I was in as a player the DM awarded XP
for rollplaying and participation. One player consistently received
much less than the rest of us, even though the DM knew that he had
problems that restricted his email access and therefore his input
into the game. That player was the first to drop out.
Experience points and advancing
Once you have enough XP to put you up a level, you can
immediately roll your new hit point total. However, you do not gain
any of the other benefits of your new level until you have trained.
To do this, you can either hire someone of your
class/specialization/etc. to train you, or do it yourself. Going the
latter route takes about twice as long and costs about twice as
The rule of thumb that I use here is that it costs about 1500gp
per level trained to, ie. if you want to be trained to 2nd level it
will cost you 3000gp. If you are a specialized fighter type, though,
it will cost a lot didn't think that all of those added
"to hit" and damage abilities were free, did you? These numbers can
be modified by things such as your negotiating abilities, charisma,
membership in guilds, alignment and character class performance, etc.
etc. These prices are if you hire someone to train you; doing it
yourself will double the price.
It usually takes 2 weeks to complete training...4 weeks if you do it yourself. Note that once your character reaches a "named" level (ie. mage for a magic user) then he/she can train themself in two weeks.
If you don't train immediately, you can continue to accumilate XP
until you do train. So, you can be a 3rd level fighter but be
functioning as 1st level, until you train up to 3rd.
In this campaign, you cannot go up more than one level at a time.
For example, suppose the first level thief Damius picked up 3000XP in
the last adventure. That would have been enough to put him to 3rd
level. That would not be allowed: you would be at 2500XP, 1 XP below
3rd level. However, if on the next trip in you get a further
25XP, that would put you to 3rd level, and that would be allowed.
BUT, since you have not trained, you would still be functioning as a
1st level character. In this example, you would have to train up
2 levels when you could afford it. You would not have to do it
all at once, though, you could train up to 2nd level, and then on to
3rd when you could afford it.
You could nickle and dime your way up to 10th level but still be
functioning as a first level character if you wanted. You just can't
do it all in one shot.
Experience points, distributing
Experience is split equally for tasks the group accomplishes
together, such as dispatching a group of monsters or finding a
treasure. For independent actions, ie. a thief lifting an article of
jewelry and not sharing it with the party, or a fighter going off
alone and killing a monster, only the concerned parties get the XP.
Most of the time, XP are split amongst the group. The same goes for
XP from monetary treasure, and magic. Occasionally, I will give out
bonus XP to a character, or reduce the XP share to a character, but
this is very rare.
Experience points and drow items
Certain drow items have pluses "to hit" or add to armour class. However, since they lose their effectiveness over time, experience points are not awarded for these items.
Experience points and magic
In 1st ed AD&D you get XP for magic items found. I split this amongst the party. Also, you can sell magic items to NPCs...most magic is worth lots of money. If the amount of
money you get when selling a magic item (before you use it) exceeds
the XP value of the item, then you get additional XP equal to the
amount of money you sold it for, less the XP you have already
received for it.
Experience points bonus for multi-classed characters
If a character's numbers are good enough then they gain a 10% experience point bonus. In the case of a multi-classed character, they only gain that bonus for the class which has the good numbers. Example: a fighter-magic user has a strength of 17 and an intelligence of 9. He/she qualifies for the 10% bonus for the fighter class, because of the 17 strength, but not for the magic-user class.
Experience points, scrolls and
Experience points for scrolls and spell books are split evenly
amongst the party members.
Experience points and survival
You only get experience if you are alive at the end of the
Goodberry spells
...only work with fresh berries.
Hit points for 1st ed multi-classed
characters (optional)
Hit points can be rolled thus: [(dclass1 + dclass2 + ...
+dclassn) + constitution bonus] / n Note that this is done for
each class and each level that a multiclassed character that
a level 1/1 F/MU would do this twice.
As a general rule, attacking an inanimate object won't usually
dispell an invisibility spell or ring effect.
Invisibility works on non-living matter as well as living.
Otherwise, a person turning invisible would have their clothes and
possessions remain visible...
Invisibility is specifically listed as being a method of hiding
treasure in the 1st ed DMG, pg. 171.
I assume, though, that there must be some sort of upper limit on
the size or volume of matter that can be turned invisible. House
rule: a mage can turn 10 square or 10 cubic feet per level of an
inanimate object invisible.
Level draining and training
After being drained by a device or
undead, a character does not have to train again once he / she
regains the lost level(s).
Level limits, racial
I use the racial level limits as given in the Unearthed Arcana
Level limits, racial, exceeding
Racial limits can be exceeded, but it is costly in that the
wishes must be used to raise your ability scores...which in turn
allow you to advance to higher levels per the UA. There are also
books and magical items that can allow a character to exceed their
racial limit.
Level of new or incoming characters from
other campaigns
A new or incoming character (ie. from another campaign) cannot be
any higher in level than one level *below* the current lowest level
party member.
For example, if the lowest level character in the group was 5th,
then the highest level new / incoming character allowed would be
Note that for this purpose I treat multiclassed characters as one
level above their highest level due to their increased abilities; ie.
a level 1/1 F/MU would be treated as a level 2 character.
Mapping and Pythagoras
When describing the length of diagonal
passages, I always ignore Pythagoras.
Magic users and training
When training, does my mentor teach me a new spell or must those be learned on my own?
When you are trained to a level of XP that gives you access to a new level of spells, your mentor will give you one new spell of that level as part of your training. Any additional spells must be bought separately.
Monetary system
This campaign uses first edition exchange rates, which are:
In this society the usual only way to transfer funds from one
place to another is to physically take it there yourself. If you were
famous or a powerful noble a letter of credit might work, but -
outside of the immediate vicinity that you are known in - you are
unknown and the chance that such a letter might be a forgery or a
sham would be too great for someone to risk trusting you.
Multiple melee attacks
When a character has 3/2 attacks per round, due either to level
or weapon specialization, their first round of attacks on a foe is
always a single attack round.
If you kill a monster on a single attack round and then attack
another beastie next round, the sequence starts all over again; ie.
your first round of attack on any new monster is always a single
attack round.
Multiple weapon melee attacks
House rule: There is no attack penalty for dexterity of 19 or greater.
Negative hit points and healing
If you are reduced to 0 then you are only
out of action until you have been healed to a positive number of hit
points, be it via magic or the passage of time. Note that you will
still lose hit points until you are healed or your wounds are bound.
For actual negative hit points, you will be out of action for one day
for each negative hit point. For instance, if you were down to -1
before being healed, you would be out of it for a day; -5 = 5 days,
-9 = 9 days, etc. You are still dead at -10.
Number of characters per player
In a given game, a player can have as
many characters as they want. However, you are normally allowed to
run only one character when the party goes adventuring...the other
stays outside / in camp / at the inn, etc.
Paladin protections
The paladin can drop his innate protection from evil if he / she wants. This is useful when fighting an evil creature who otherwise could not approach within 10' of the paladin.
Paladins, monks and technology
In the interest of simplifying the book keeping and maintenance, a paladin or a monk shall have the same limit on technological items as they do for magic items. The two limits shall be separate, ie. a paladin can have a maximum of ten magic items (per the limits in the PH) and ten technological items; while monks may possess no more than two technological weapons and three other items of technology.
Proficiencies and
Weapon and non-weapon proficiencies are used in this campaign.
Weapon specialization is allowed, as well; but be warned: there is an
additional financial cost for specialized fighter types, when it
comes time to advance a level.
Protection from magic scolls
Outgoing magic is not affected by the
protection from magic sphere.
As you know, first edition AD&D psionics are allowed in these
games. I use the rules and descriptions for psionics as they appear
in the 1st ed Player's Handbook and DM Guide.
If you've read those rules you know that most characters will not
be psionic. A character must have exceptional ability scores...and
even then the chance for being psionic is very small.
As far as psionics are concerned, I have designed my melieu
around these rules. Therefore, psionic characters are very rare, and
even a character who is very weak psionically can be very powerful in
my campaign because they have these extra abilities.
The DM will check a character for psionics, at the player's
Q: When intelligence, wisdom or charisma are raised do you allow
for characters to recheck for psionics?
A: No. But I record your original percentile dice roll for your character's psionic check, and if your new score(s) adjustment will put it at 00 or greater then you become psionic.
Psionics, battles between
Battles between two psionics happen very rarely. Usually the player and the DM just play it out separately. Psionic battles usually take place in a matter of a segment or two. More often than not, the rest of the party does not even realise that a psionic battle is happening...until the heads start exploding.
Psionic energy control
The description for energy control
mentions fiery breath, lightning, cold and the like. Sounds like it
would protect against uncontrolled oxidation (isn't that the
definition of fire?), electrical discharges, a slowing down of
molecular activity (cold?) and I would judge by implication an
increase in molecular activity (heat). It should also protect against
magical energies like magic missiles. The acid dissolving your flesh
is a chemical reaction, though, and while I suppose that you can
argue that heat or energy may be generated as it does so, we have to
draw an arbitrary line somewhere. Otherwise, Darian the psionic would
be able to kill attacking creatures just by absorbing the heat out of
their bodies and freezing them...or for that matter he could control
his local environment by absorbing heat or cold. Ugh. I don't even
want to think about the implications!
Raise dead / resurrection and
A raise dead or resurrection will also completely heal the
Recharging wands, staves and the like
Items can be recharged by casting a spell of the same type that the item produces, into it. Example: a wand of magic missiles can be recharged by casting magic missile spells into it.
Restoration spell
A restoration spell brings you back up to
the bottom of the level that you were drained from. Any XP you had
beyond that is lost for good.
Rest time and learning/praying time to regain spells
Memorising/praying for a spell requires 15 minutes per spell level. (ie. a first level spell takes 15 minutes, a third level spell takes 45 minutes, and so on).
In addition, rest time is required based on the highest level spell that was cast and needs to be relearned:
level 1: 4 hours
2: 4 hrs
3: 6 hrs
4: 6 hrs
5: 8 hrs
6: 8 hrs
7: 10 hrs
8: 10 hrs
9: 12 hrs
This is in the DMG somewhere.
Reverses of spells
If you a know a spell then you know the
reverse of that spell, if it has one.
Rings of regeneration
A ring of regeneration has to be worn at the time that the
injuries are sustained before any healing / regeneration / bringing
back to life can be effected. It will not heal a person who was not
wearing it when they were injured.
Sex between races
Dwarves and humans cannot procreate. Of course, that obviously doesn't preclude them from wanting to try...
Side adventures
Any character(s) who decides to go off on a major side adventure (and I will define what 'major' is) while another character is training will be considered to have left that adventuring party and will be subject to replacement.
Spell books
How much does it cost to make a travelling spellbook?
Straight from the UA...500gp for the materials plus 100gp per
spell level of the spells within. The only difference that I make
from the rules is that you *can* purchase such a book (blank) from a
guild or magic user supplier for a price similar to the materials
cost above...and then write the spells in yourself for the 100gp per
level cost.
Spells, casting multiples in a
Unless you specify it, I always assume that you are only casting
one of a given type of spell...even though you may have more than one
of the spells memorised. For example, if you say that you are going
to magic missile an enemy, I assume that you are casting ONE magic
missile spell.
If you want to cast more than one spell then you have to tell me
how many.
Note that you can often cast more than one spell in a melee round
(depending on the length of time it takes to cast the spells), and
you can also send me contingency actions as well. What I mean by this
is that you can tell me, for example, that you will cast as many
magic missiles into that lesser god as it takes to kill him, up to a
maximum of, say, six spells...and after that you will turn invisible
and run away. Or, you will do this if the enemy does not do that,
etc. etc.
Spells, acceptable sources of
Spells in the 1st ed books (PH, UA and Greyhawk Adventures) are
Spells known and death
If a character dies and then is brought back to life, all of the spells that he/she had memorised or prayed for that day are wiped out of their mind.
Spells, cancelling them
Most spells can be cancelled by the caster when they see
Spells, copying them to another book
In this game at least, copying a spell from a book does not wipe out the spell. That only happens when you copy a spell from a scroll, or cast it straight from a book.
Spell research
I follow the rules in the 1st ed DMG. For magic users they state
that the spell researcher must have privacy and seclusion in which to
conduct his/her research, access to a library and perhaps a sage as
Extrapolating that to clerical research, the cleric must have
access to a temple devoted to his/her deity.
So, if you are camped out in the wilderness, spell research is
not feasible.
Spells, selecting them
Spells are prayed / memorised in advance.
Spells, starting, for magic
In this campaign there is an optional house rule which goes as
follows: At first level you are allowed to start with the full amount
of spells that your intelligence allows, in your spell books. Here is
how you would do it: for I17, you have a 75% chance of knowing 9-14
spells per level of spell use. You choose a spell that you would
like, roll a d100, and if the result is less than 76, you can
understand that spell and it goes in your spell book. If the result
is >75 then you cannot understand it and it does not go in your
book. You do this until you have 9 spells in your book. Once you have
9 spells you can continue on up to the 14 spell max, but with one
very important change: you must stop once you finally roll a number
>75, and can not know any more spells for that level of spell
So, say you have rolled successfully for 10 first level spells.
For number 11, though, you roll a 95. You must now stop, and the
maximum number of first level spells that you can ever understand
with your 17 intelligence is 10.
Spells, unlearning them
The only ways you would get to change your spell allotment would
be through a wish or similar magic, or by having your intelligence
changed. If the latter, then you would have reroll for all of your
Spell-like abilities
Spell-like abilities possessed by certain monsters and races (ie. drow) only require concentration. They do not require verbalizing or material components.
Stoneskin spell
This game uses the First Edition version of this spell.
Tense in posts
Please use the present tense in your posts! It makes my life much easier when compiling moves.
'Voss will cast stone skin on himself' is future tense...and should be:
'Voss casts stone skin on himself' (present tense)
Training for high level
Once you stop gaining hit dice you are able to train yourself at
the cost of 1500gp per level.
Unseen servants
I assume that unseen servants open doors on a 1-2/d6.
Wall of thorns area of effect
The area of effect is per 2nd ed AD&D, as it is less ambiguous.
Wall of Whatever Spells
There has been a lot of discussion about the various wall spells over the years. It was a favourite trick of mine to have the evil spell caster do a horizontal wall of ice in mid air and have it drop on a party (a la ice storm)...or better yet a horizontal wall of iron in mid air over the party and have it squish them.
Unfortunately I was made to read the rules, and now I rule that wall spells have to be more or less vertical and they must be in contact with either a real wall or the floor.
Weapon Specialisation
This is an area where 1st ed and 2nd ed are at odds, in that 1st
ed states that you must decide whether a PC will specialise or not at
the time you create him/her, while 2nd ed states that a character can
opt to specialise at a later point in his/her career if the wp slots
are available.
I think that the 2nd ed rule is more realistic, and so will
allow it.
As for whether multiclassed characters are allowed to
specialise in the first is not allowed in 2nd ed, and I
recently discovered that it is not allowed in 1st ed either. However,
since we have been allowing 1st ed characters to specialise since day
one I am going to continue to allow it...and in the (probably wasted)
hope of keeping things simple, I will allow 2nd ed multiclassed
fighters to do so as well.
Zero hit points and below
Anytime you hit 0 hit points you are unconscious. However, you
can then be healed back up without further penalty. But, if you drop
below 0 hit points then you are out of action for one day for every
negative hit point...unless a spell like death's door, heal or wish
is cast on you.