Things in the Earth multiverse - W

Wal-Mart Principle, The: The theorem or idea which says: when an item breaks down, it should not be repaired, but should rather be replaced with a new item. Often considered by historians and sages as the reason that the universe-spanning technological civilisation ultimately collapsed, for by the time that items began to fail, new items were no longer being made, and the ability to repair had been lost.

Wire, The: A form of entertainment for the people of the technological societies which precded the current civilisation on Earth, where "movies" or "shows" were beamed directly into the sensory areas of the brain, creating the illusion for the person of travelling somewhere or having an adventure without actually having to leave their home. It could be quite addictive, and led to a disinterest in the real world by its users. An ancient predecessor of the Wire was called "television".

Wizards, Black: A subgroup of the True Wizards, devoted to evil. Their stronghold is the Witch's Dale, though one of their members controls Nolthen.

Wizards, Grey: A subgroup of the True Wizards, devoted to neutrality. Their stronghold is in Washt'n.

Wizards, True: A race of powerful magic-using beings, the so-called "guardians of life". They are reputed to be the sole remaining followers of an ancient religion. They favour the development of magic and psionics over technology.

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