The journey only seems to take a half an hour or so. Before you know it you are closing in on the Amalda space station in the Alpha Centauri star system. The Jupiter 2 enters the flight deck. The first thing you notice is that the Steve Jobs is parked there as well, right next to a DOS 4.1 class scout. As soon as you land you disembark. Amaldas 1, 3 and 4 are waiting for you. "Oh, we're so glad you finally returned," Amalda1 says. Tully says, "So, how have you been? Is Zanax around?" "He was killed," she replies. "But it's alright." "How is that alright? Where is his body?" "It is in our hospital. He lost his head but we are growing him a new one." "Perhaps it will be better than the last one," adds Amalda3. "Crotchety is also in the hospital," says Amalda1. "He suffered some mental injuries. We are regenerating the damaged portions of his brain." Tully says, "So, a few more questions then. How long until his head grows back? Also, how long on Crotchety? Finally, how did they receive these injuries? It sounds like mind flayers." "We were exploring the military space station," she replies, "And we came across four strange creatures. Plant-like but humanoid shaped. They unleashed some sort of psionic attack which killed Zanax and injured Crotchety. Would you like to see them? They should be ready in a few more days." Tully says, "Yes, take us to them." He shakes his head. "Psionics...we need to find a way to protect the group from that. Too many of you are psionic." "I'm not," Lo raises his hand. "I'm not, either," says Wang, raising his...whatever. "Also, who owns that DOS class scout?" "No one. Do you want to use it?" Tully shakes his head and you follow the ladies to the hospital. They lead you into a bare, spartan white room. In what appears to be a large glass tank filled with bubbling water in the centre you see the remains of Zanax. His body is intact in every respect but for his head, which at this point more resembles a large, uncooked pot roast than a head. "He is coming along nicely," says Amalda2, now dressed in a sexy and very revealing white nurses uniform. "When the brain has formed we will upload his last brain tape and he will be as good as new." In a corner of the room you see what looks like a large play-pen, complete with Fisher-Price and Thomas The Tank Engine toys. A strange blue glow illuminates the play-pen. Sitting in it playing trains is a wrinkled up old man in a diaper with drool running down his chin. This is Crotchety Oldfart. Most of you have met him previously, as he seems to have spent a fair bit of time bouncing around the various adventuring parties that operate out of Occa's mansion. Apart from the play-pen, he does not look or behave that much differently from your encounters with him previously. Another Amalda - also in a nurse's uniform - stand close by him. "How much longer until he recovers?" "A few days," replies Amalda2. Darian regards Crotchety. "Well, I think I like him best like this. At least he's not complaining or insulting people." "So, what should we do while we wait?" Tully says, "I wonder if you could modify his personality a tiny bit and make him a bit more optimistic." "That would be unethical," says Amalda5. You leave the patients be and spend the next few days sunning your bodies on the beach and drinking pina coladas.
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