At last Zanax's head is refurbished. When Tully, Darian, Crotchety, Lo and Wang return for him they find that it has been restored to its former glory...but for an occasional tick in the left eye, which appears as an exaggerated wink to the uninitiated. "I think we need to focus on our primary task, again: finding a working nernal." Tully says, "I agree, unless there is a way to find some magic or major treasure here. We are pretty weak any time we face something that needs magic to kill it." Tully adds, "On second thought, I agree. We might find magic anywhere, but we aren't going to find a nernal here." Zanax winks. "I don't think we're going to find magic anywhere a nernal might be. I think something drains magic items out there." "Why do you think that?" Zanax shrugs, "Well, all my magic items became non-magical after I went through a teleport device." You return to the Steve Jobs. The robot and Black-eye await you. "Any suggestions at this point, folks? I feel like we keep going around and around. Perhaps there is some wise authority out here, some keeper of information that could help us." Tully says, "Closer to the core is probably the best bet or maybe on the outskirts." He shrugs. "We probably should just head in a direction and see what we can find." Tully adds, "There are some nearby stars. Let's go to Sirius A and B." He plots in the course and then guides the ship out for the jump. The Steve Jobs lifts off and accelerates away from the space station, making for the edge of the star system. It seems to make this journey in virtually no time at all. When you reach the gravitational boundary of the Toliman system there is a slight shudder, as you Jump 9.5 light years to the Sirius star system.
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