In what is apparently a short time later you are approaching the Amalda space station in the star system of Alpha Centauri. The ladies greet you once you have landed. "Where is the Steve Jobs?" asks Amalda1, once you disembark. "The vessel is destroyed, but we have his memory. He is stored in iCock over there." He points at Wang. "I was hoping we could download him into another vessel. I would also like to review all the recordings and other data on the comet that struck us to see how that happened. Other than that, how are things here? Anything going on that we can help with?" "There is always a small chance that when you emerge from a Jump that something will be there," replies Amalda2. "Back in the old days the movements of celestial objects were well charted, but such is not the case now." "Otherwise, all has been quiet here," adds Amalda3. "We are glad that you are back." "We are glad to be back," Tully says. "There is a version 10.6 scout over there, if you would like to use that," says Amalda4. "It is similar to the version 10.3 scout that you had." Indeed, the ship they are referring to looks just like the Steve Jobs. Parked beside it is another, rather rickety-looking ship, with what appears to a hand crank protruding from its nose. "Thanks, we will do that. What is that other ship?" "That is a Commodore class scout. Did you want to try that one instead?" "Oh no, that is alright. It looks like a collector's item, though," Tully says. "How do we download the Steve Jobs into the 10.6 Scout?" "It should be transferring over now," Amalda4 answers. As she says that the iCock suddenly droops. "Wow," says Wang, "I had the strangest dream." Tully says, "Do you guys want to stay here some time or head directly to Sandas?" "Before the crash, we were heading back to Sandas to train, I believe. I think we should try again." Tully says, "Oh, Ok. Let me just visit with Amalda for about half-an-hour to an hour. I could go for a little romp and I don't want to be rude...just drop in, take a ship and leave." He smiles. "Is that alright?" "Is it ever!" says Amalda with a smile. Getting no response, Tully says, "Ok, see you chaps in an about an hour." He heads off to the gardens with Amalda. Wang tries to follow but Lo restrains him. Just over an hour later Tully and Amalda return. She is smiling sweetly. Tully, for his part, seems to have his pants on backwards. You go over to the class 10.6 scout and embark after bidding the ladies farewell. Inside, the ship looks almost identical to the scout you lost in the cometary collision. Tully says, "You know guys...maybe we should also look at buying some magic items when we get back to Earth. I lost all my magic with that technology teleport we did. It might be helpful if we had some items. What do you think?" "Hello," says a familiar sounding voice out of thin air. "My name is Steve Jobs, and I already know where you want to go."
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