December 12, 1373

"is it time to go, gentlemen?" Lo asks as he goes outside to join Tully.

Tully says, "It is past time. Come on, Zanax!"

Zanax frowns and tosses the blank contract back to the dealer.

He gets into the car mumbling, "I have a bad feeling about this..."

The sales demon waves goodbye.

"Happy motoring! Don't get rear-ended!"

The Pinto putters away, with the party somehow crammed into it, leaving behind a fragrant blue cloud in its wake.

Reaching the road, you stop and wait for an opening in the four lanes of traffic so you can make a left turn and continue on to the library that you seek.

You wait.

And wait.

And then wait some more.

No one will give you an opening.

"THIS DOES NOT COMPUTE," says the robot. It extends a clawed arm past Darian's ear and out through the passenger side window. "DESTROY! DESTROY!"

There is a crackle of released energy, and the robot blows a hole in the traffic, sending shrapnel and bodies everywhere.

"YOU MAY PROCEED," the robot says, retracting its arm.

Next day...

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