November 19, 1371

November 19th finally arrives, with rising temperatures again and increasing humidity. After breakfast, you gather in Hlarns' room, and Rage borrows Kailar's crystal ball.

She concentrates first on Sian, and an image forms of him with several other elves in a forest glade. More forms are in the shadows nearby. The elves in the foregroud are examining the ground, and the eldar elf is pointing things out to Sian.

Seeing that he is still in training, she next summons an image of Kadlian. She sees him riding down a road through a sylvan forest with four others. She recognises Wizbang, but the others - two elven females and an elven male - are not known to her. Also following along, tied to the back of Kadlian's horse, is a strange winged animal with the head and forequarters of an eagle and the hind portion of a horse.

Thus satisfied, she and Agulhas depart for the guild, to commence his training.

In the evening they return to the inn, and again Rage borrows Kailar's orb. Checking on the locale of Kadlian, she then teleports there...

Perhaps a half hour after she departed to see Kadlian, Rage returns.

next day...

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