The EARTH story - April 19, 1372

Brennon would like to train if possible.

Jon has two levels to train for and no money.

"Well, can someone tell me how this training works and how I pay for it?"

"What craft do you require training in?" asks the high priestess Laurie.

Farad asks, "What skills do you need to practice? If it is something one of us can aid you with, then we can train you for no cost. However if it is something outside our experience you will have to go to Sandas and find a teacher. The cost varies with the skills, but is usually 1000 or 1500 gold per each Order you have gained in your specific craft."

Jon replies, "Magic and relieving people of what they don't want, opening locks etcetera."

"Ah," says Laurie, and says no more.

Farad frowns. "Beth and I can help you with your magic. But you'll have to seek out another thief to train you in that art. You might want to consider self training though. We've had run ins with the thieves guild of Sandas before."

Jon continues, "Can we divide treasure now so I can find out how short I am?"

Beth doesn't need to train (still a long way off for that!), but she does need to divide treasure so she can squirrel herself away and do crazy magic user sorts of things (write scrolls, say strange things, pull the legs off of mosquitos, paint strange symbols on the wall, that kind of thing). This will take both time and money. It will also take materials -- in particular, she'll need paper and ink for writing scrolls. If these aren't available near Laurie's temple, she'll either need to travel to the nearest town/city, or get teleported back to Sandas.

"Beth would you train me please? I would really like to be able to cast a fireball or lightning blot."

"A lightning 'blot'?" snickers a voice from the shadows. "I would like to learn that spell as well."

Out steps a rather nondescript but strangely charismatic elf. His craft is not apparent from his appearance or his garb.

"This is Vardui," says Laurie, by way of introduction. "He seems to move around a lot, as the whims of the Dungeon Master dictate."

"We are all pawns, after all," adds Vardui. He says to Jon. "I am skilled in the underhanded arts. For a fee I might train you."

Mikodin would also like to train.

Farad updates one and all.

"We were sent here to gather information on the drow. Those drow we've been able to talk to have been uncooperative thus far.

"As we explore the tunnels, we've met several caravans of drow. We've attacked each, and come away victorious, although not always without loss.

"Deciding to come up to the surface now to train, we come across some other travellers, we believe somehow transported here from Oerth. They expand our knowlege only barely, and then go their own way.

"Finally we reach the surface, wait for some of Jo-owrn's friends to teleport us back to Laurie's temple, and are now set to train.

"That's basically it."

Farad offers a new plan for when we next attempt to explore. Rather than attack a caravan and hope to question a drow... let's all move to the ethereal plane and explore in that manner. We'd be invisible and out of touch for most of the creatures we'd meet, and could possibly even venture to the drow city itself where we could observe what is going on.

A mage would need to have something like a dispel magic handy to quickly move all of us back to the prime plane at once.

Jo-owrn nods.

"Worth a try," he says. "I'd like to find that arch-mage's lair that those fellows was talking about. Looks like we could all use a good dose of money. Bet we'd find a lot there. Let's get these people trained, then."

Everyone looks expectantly at Aldarin, who remains silent.

From the trolls, recall that you found 667sp, 2 gems (10gp ea), a potion, a suit of leather armour (human-sized), wings of flying and 2 gems (100gp ea.).

From the giant/bugbear/drow encampment you found 2400ep, 1200gp, 4 gems (500gp ea.), 221ep, 117sp, 104ep and 65gp.

Sharone advises she can carry dispel magic rather than waste a mage 3rd level spell.

So close but yet so far... Brennon will not be training on this trip to the surface. He could stand to purchase some odds and ends such as Beth, the arcane type of things...

Jon accepts Farad and Beth's offer of training for magic.

Jon says, "Vardui, I accept your offer if I can but my money is little at the currently. How much will you charge?"

Vardui shrugs.

"Got any magic? Scrolls, potions, artifacts of Power?"

Training is something far from Sharone's mind but she will buy and cast continual light on some more sling bullets.

If we go to Sandas she will investigate making dispel magic scrolls and if time permits try and write one. If unable to do this she will visit her church looking to make more sweetwater and/or healing potions.

So, Jon begins training under Farad. Mikodin begins training in Laurie's temple. A donation of 4500gp or the equivilent is requested.

Meanwhile, Tabrina teleports Beth, Sharone, Britan and Humphrey back to Sandas.

Next day

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