Places on Earth P
Pashdor, Tower of: One of the ancient Towers
of Saltar.
Pass of Strabath: A pass through the Mountains
of Nlad connecting Nlad and Milkland.
Map grid 13.
Perseus Arm: The next arm outwards from the Orion
Arm in the Milky Way.
Peter, Principality of: One of several small kingdoms formed out
of the remnants of the collapsed Empire
of Saltar in the north. Map grid 19.
Pittsburk: Capitol of Kludar.
Pomarj: A region of Oerth,
infested with humanoids, bandits and brigands.
Porky Peak: A hill in the same range as Su
El. Map grid 1.
Portsmouth: A large ruined city on the west coast of Amrica. Map
grid 46.
Portugual, Empire of: A small, weak, recently (1364) founded
kingdom on the Mississippi
Puke: A large city in central Nlad.