Uckfield Valley

This land consists for the most part of a valley surrounded by high, snow-capped mountains. The area was originally settled by the men of the Empire of Saltar, at the peak of their expansionist phase. The surrounding mountains served as a haven for bandits, humanoids, wild elves and the usual assortment of crackpots which occupy the fringes of any great empire. So it was a great surprise to the rulers of Saltar that when rebellion broke out in this region, Uckfield County was one of the few areas which remained loyal to the Emporer.

During the civil war which saw the founding of the Kingdom of Nlad, the valley was never fully conquered by the rebels. At the end of the war Uckfield wished to remain a part of the Empire, but its isolation from the rest of what remained of Saltar precluded that, and so the county reluctantly became independent.

Eight centuries later it remains an independent state, though dependent economically on neighbouring Nlad. Though rich in natural resources, it is a poor country.

To the east of Uckfield lies the bulk of the powerful Kingdom of Nlad, while to the north, south and west are the Rocky Mountains. Farther west, beyond the Rockies it is said, lie the Elven lands.

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