The Kingdom of Amlad

Amlad is a land of rolling hills and prairie, easy for invaders to enter and difficult to defend. As a result, the people of this land have evolved a relatively militaristic society where everyone is expected to take up arms when required, to defend the homeland. The last such occasion for this occurred in 1350, when the foul lord of Golgar sent out his armies of orcs and other disgusting creatures against Amlad. Almost a third of the land was overrun before the armies of Amlad - aided by their close ally the Kingdom of Nlad - drove them back and overthrew the lord in his Tower. Now, Golgar - the city and Tower - are under the control of Amlad, though both are shunned for the most part.

Amlad is a land of semi-nomadic clans who follow their herds of horses and cattle over the grasslands. There are a few towns and villages. Calamlad is the largest of these. To the south of Amlad are the Mountains of Nlad, and beyond them the Kingdom of Nlad: a land of Men. Westward is Milkland...the pastoral land of the halfling folk, and also Amlad's allies. North is wilderness, for the most part: wild, and largely uninhabited but for occasional small settlements and the ever-present humanoid tribes who continuously assail Amlad's borders. East, beyond Golgar, over the Mississippi River, are the lands of Nolthen and the Empire of Saltar. The former used to be a province of the latter until it was overrun some 700 years past by the forces of Imrimil, a Wizard of the Black Order and a deadly foe. Fortunately for Amlad his attentions are usually devoted to matters along his own eastern borders. Saltar used to be the greatest Empire of Men, thousands of years ago, but it long ago collapsed, until now, it is but a pale, decadent shadow of its former self.

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