Places on Earth G
Galahad, Halls of: A large dwarfhold, abandoned for
centuries and now occupied by dragons and their allies. Map grid
Galdan Mountains: A mountain range of isolated peaks lying on the
eastern border of the Plains of
Amlad and west of the Mississippi
Gallatown Monastery: A monastery devoted to Zilchus.
Gates of Hell: A dungeon located in the eastern part of
Geoff, Grand Duchy of: A kingdom located in
the western civilized regions of Oerth,
abutting the Barrier
Ghost Tower of Inverness: A ruin located near Sin
City. Map grid 84.
Glacial Rift of the Frost Giant Jarl: A stronghold of frost
giants, aka AD&D module G2.
Gods of Trouble, Church of the: A church in Sandas.
Godsland, Mount: A mountain northwest of Sandas,
held sacred by some evil religious cults.
Gold, Caves of: An abandoned dwarven mining complex in
west-central Nlad.
Golgar, City of: A large city of Amlad.
Presently a ruin.
Golgar, Tower of: An ancient tower of Saltar,
in the ruined city of Golgar.
Grador, Tower of: An ancient tower of Saltar.
Now the capital of Nolthen and the
stronghold of Imrimil.
Grande River: A large river with its source in the mountains to
the west of the Dwardarf, it flows
through that land and across Nlad to empty
into the Bay of Hork.
Gran March: A nominal vassal state of
on Oerth.
Great Moagie Swamp: A large area of wetands located along the
east coast of Amrica, south of
Great Western Road: An ancient roadway that runs from the
Last Dungeon in the East to
Dorian in the West.
Green Oakley River: A tributary of the Grande River. Sandas
is built at their confluence.
Greenwood: A hamlet in Milkland.
Grell Inn: A crossroads south of Strabath.
Greyhall: Residence of Valdar in
Greyhawk: A world located near the centre
of the Milky Way. Also known as Oerth.
Greyhawk, Castle: A castle located on
near the city of Greyhawk. Ruled by His Excellency, the Herzog
Greyhawk, City of: the greatest city on
Oerth, located on the east bank of the Selintan
River south of the Nyr
Greyhawk Gate: A portal linking Earth with
Map grid 151. The corresponding portal on Oerth is called the
Greyhawk Road: A major thoroughfare leading
to the City of Greyhawk.
Greyhawk Ruins: The ancient stronghold of
Zagyg: the largest dungeon ruins on Oerth
by most accounts.
Greyport: A city-state of elves and men located on the west coast
of Amrica, just south of Dorian. Map
grid 80.
Grorgant: A town in Nolthen.
Guardian Ford Dungeon: A dungeon complex on the banks of the
Mississippi River.
Guardian Gates: An ancient Elven fortress on the Elven
Coast Road, destroyed during the War of
the Stones and now a ruin. Map grid 70.